Rejuven8u has been designed to improve everyone's overall health and wellness by researching how we relax easily and quickly. There is no other app out there that has been created by understanding how the body responds quickly and easily to key elements. People that are wanting to reduce stress, reduce tension, recovery more quickly from hospital or traveling, reduce headaches, improve energy levels, improve concentration and improve your general wellness may be gained by relaxing the mind and body. There are core elements that triggers a relaxing state whilst accessing your Alfa brain waves or a state similar to light sleep so that your body can recharge itself, easily and quickly.
Our sleeping state is governed by 3 key elements, light, sound and temperature. We will focus on 2 key elements light and sound.
Light can easily be managed by using a face mask or by wearing sunglasses so that there is less light than normal.
Sound is the most important element here. The sessions that have been created to allows you the choice of either guided or self guided.
Self guided sessions have been studio recorded by creating a musical journey that allows your mind to be engaged and focus inwards to allow your relaxation state to be reached and access your Alfa brain waves more easily.
Guided sessions have embedded multiple techniques that have been researched over many years through great care and understanding on how we can all relax recharge and rejuven8u yourself.
Taking simple ideas and combining them has been my passion. The techniques that have been included cover, breathing, meditation, accessing your Alfa brain waves, N.L.P, affirmations, power of the positive mind and sleeping cycles.
The reason why I have created Rejuven8u is to have greater energy when I get home from working all day so that I can spend better quality time with my family. Over time I realized that the energy I had at work was greater than when I got home to my children and partner. I wanted to improve my energy at home and feel better when it mattered. I was introduced to the power of positive thinking, meditation, N.P.L and understanding how the mind and body works from the age of 18. From there I have developed a passion and quest to improve myself and finally in my older age other people. I am now 51 and come from a humble background and hope that you too can improve your energy and Rejuven8u yourself as I have by using my sessions designed for me and you.
There are 2 general options (1) guided and (2) self guided sessions.
1. Guided Sessions have been divided into children and adults. The Children sessions has a 10 minute option with an ambient background sound track. This specially designed session guides the child through a number of techniques that allows for relaxation and general wellness. The techniques used focuses on deep breathing, slowing the heart rate, positive general statements and inner focus of the mind and body to create a space where they can reinforce a positive image of themselves and the world around them.
The Adult guided sessions have the option of selecting either 3, 10 or 20 minutes with an ambient background sound track. The sessions work on the basis of using deep breathing techniques to relax the body and mind. Focusing on your body allows for each part of your body to go through a healing sensation and rejuven8ing outcome. This process promotes the access of Alfa brain waves that makes it easier to tap into your inner mind and control your state of mind more easily. There maybe thoughts that pop into your mind and this is your mind trying to resolve these issues. This is an opportune time to allow yourself to work through the self healing process by letting go of stressful thoughts and fears. The mind is a powerful tool and the more you focus inwards the more opportunity you have in resolving and healing yourself and promote a healthier image of you and the world around you.
Positive affirmations that have been embedded provides the opportunity to reinforce a positive self image and the connection of you and the world around you. It is easy to allow your inner thoughts of negative persuasion to build up and take control of moments of vulnerability. We all need positive reinforcement in a relaxed state of mind that allows such thoughts to easily embed into our habits.
2. Self Guided Sessions have been divided into 3 musical journeys. Ambient, Modern and Classical for a selection of either 5 or 20 minutes. The musical journeys allow for deep breathing techniques to be used as well as the opportunity to focus inwards and reduce the inner chatter and kaos that maybe consuming your day to day life. It is important to slow down the mind and allow inner healing to take place and rejuven8 the mind and body. General meditation comes in many forms and the most basic is to focus on one thing.
Relaxing your muscles allows for a general calming and a rejuven8ing sensation that can promote general wellness and a more stable emotional state. Deep breathing allows oxygen to travel around the body more quickly and promote a healthy state of mind and reduce the muscle tension that may have built up over time.
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